help the next generation of therapists.


I'm Dr. Sanderson and I LOVE interns! 

I have been working with interns for over 15 years in a variety of ways. I have hosted Student Interns from three local universities and I work with Associate Counselors and Post-Doctoral Residents who are in the process of getting licensed. 

Join me to find out how you can train the next generation of therapists ethically and responsibility in your specialty or niche! 

Ready to join? 

What you will learn:  

- Steps you will need to take to prepare your practice for interns. 
- Understanding the dynamics of being a Supervisor and a Leader in your practice. 
- Specific situations that impact having interns in your practice. 

What you will take home:

- Forms you need to make the transition to interns smoothly. 
- Intern Manual that you can edit and personalize to your site. 

Course is up and running! Get access now!

Ready for an Adventure?

Check out podcasts that I have been on
talking about interns! 

Trainings I have given

December 8, 2023

What a supervision Session Looks like

TeleHealth Certification Institute

July 14, 2023

Ethical Considerations of Hosting Supervisees and Interns

TeleHealth Certification Institute

April 22, 2022

On-boarding and On-going training for interns in your practice

Person Centered Tech

April 8, 2022

Ethical System Management for interns in your practice

Person Centered Tech

March 25, 2022

Fostering a Legal and Ethical Environment for interns in your practice

Person Centered Tech